Package transformer stations (PTS) receive, convert and distribute electricity produced by the power plant. PTS convert AC of 0.4 kV into high voltage electricity of 6.3 or 10.5 kV and vice versa. Safe and reliable work of transformer station is provided with switchgears and relay protection. The main components of PTS are high-voltage switchgear and low-voltage switchgear.
PTS of container type manufactured by ROLT group in Kolomna have many advantages:
- Configuration of the module guarantee its high mobility,
- It can be transported by truck, rail or water,
- A station can work at the outside temperature from -60 to +40 °C under snow or wind load.
- Container dimensions fit transportation standards so the cost of transportation can be sufficiently reduced. Every block of PTS is unified and can be easily substituted in case of damage. Service and repair of equipment does not require dismounting.
- The scheme protects the consumers from mono phase faults, overload protection and voltage control. During simultaneous work of two transformer stations load can be transferred automatically.
- Package transformer stations are produced only on request.
- How to make an enquiry on package transformer stations
How make an enquiry on transformer substations:
To make an enquiry on package transformer station, send the inquiry to our sales managers. We will immediately send you the standard form. In 1,5-2 hours you will get commercial proposal containing:
- Description of main junctions of a station;
- Technological drawings;
- Commercial part,
- Conditions of delivery,
- Terms of delivery,
- Cost of one module.
To find out about terms, conditions and cost of package transformer station, or in case of any technological questions, please, contact our specialists by phone +7 (495) 777 98 02 (in Russia) or 01592 742678 (in UK). We will quickly answer all your questions.